Review your shopping cart

Is every member of your team covered?

Choose the right number of the tickets

You can write a number of as many tickets you would like to buy but be careful not to exceed your daily bank transaction limit. If the transaction doesn't pass for an unknown reason, your daily limit might be that reason. Check it with your bank. You have three options in that case: 1. Do every transaction for each person you're paying for separately, 2. Do the transaction manually from your bank account to our via your internet banking or another similar option, 2. Do the deposit on our account directly in the bank and send us your details and the details from all of the people you're paying for in the email. Click "Proceed to checkout".

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If you're not able to complete your payment for unknown reasons, please check the daily limit for card transactions with your bank. In that case, we advise you to pay for yourself now and for the rest of the crew the day after or each of them can pay for their spot themselves.

Having troubles with getting your tickets?

You can call us or send us an email and we'll be happy to help you go through the proccess.

